Friday, March 29

How to Remove Skin Tag

How to remove skin tag? This is a question that many people are trying to find answers. Skin tags can be ugly and big irritant, especially when they first appeared in the clear parts of our body such as arms, face and places where there is friction skin with our clothing. Even worse, for some people, they appear continuously to alarming numbers. Going to the dermatologist can be quite expensive because he may have to run a small procedure to remove their skin tags. But did you know that there are home remedies to remove the tags?

Here are a few different methods you can apply at home. Finally you can produce unattractive and irritating skin tags without the need to pay medical bills that indeed very expensive. One thing you need to bear in mind before you start is to make sure that it is your skin tags and not something else.

How do you determine if it is indeed skin tags?

It is a soft growth that is not overnight tremendous growth and are generally smaller than 1.3cm in size. As for appearance wise, note that it is actually the excess skin and can be flat or rounded and attached to the rest of the skin by a thin stalk called penducle. Usually, the color is the same as the surrounding skin or have a slightly darker pigmentation. Once you are sure it is a skin tag, then you can proceed to remove skin tag.

Method 1 - Using Dental Floss or Thread

This method involves using a number of items such as dental floss or thread, nail clippers or a pair of scissors and peroxide or antibacterial drugs. What you do is tie the skin tag at the base of the stalk with dental floss or thread, and then snip off the skin tag with a pair of scissors or nail clippers. Keep tools sharp and washed cleaned and sterilized with alcohol if possible.

When the skin tag removed, apply peroxide or antibacterial drugs in small open wounds. The method is simple and not very painful most of the time. You will feel the sting when you cut the skin tag off. You will realize that it is very effective and the possibility of skin tags appear again in the same place is very thin.

Method 2 - Dry Skin Tags with Castor Oil and Baking Soda

The second method is less painful method and the results are very fast. All you need is some baking soda and castor oil. With these two ingredients, prepare a mixture by mixing the two together thoroughly until they form a sticky paste. Use at least 3 times per day on the skin tag. Skin tags would dry up and die in about 2 weeks.

These are two simple methods to remove skin tag.


  1. Skin tags can be a bother in some spots. Genetics does play a role, it seems.

